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Jabón Barro Verde Frances
De limpieza profunda e ideal como complemento en el tratamiento para manchas con manteca de cacao organica😍😍😍 Disfruta de los beneficios del barro Frances en todo tu cuerpo ademas de ser excelente complemento en la eliminación de manchas.
Ideal como complemento en el tratamiento de manchas en la piel, caracterizado por su efecto purificante y antibacteriano: limpia la piel en profundidad y produce un efecto relajante, aportando elasticidad y sensación de frescor, además contiene gran cantidad de minerales como el silicio, aluminio, hierro, calcio, magnesio, sodio y potasio contiene manteca de cacao , Barro Verde Francés, aceites esenciales de cedro y naranja
#barroverve #jabonnatural #hechoamano #jabonorganico #naturalsoap #handmadesoap #organicsoap #greenfrenchclay #jabonesagalma #naturalsoap

Soap Barro Verde Frances
Deep cleaning and ideal as a supplement in the treatment for stains with organic cocoa butter😍😍😍 Enjoy the benefits of French mud throughout your body in addition to being excellent complement in removing stains.
Ideal as a complement in the treatment of blemishes on the skin, characterized by its purifying and antibacterial effect: it cleanses the skin in depth and produces a relaxing effect, providing elasticity and sensation of freshness, also contains large amounts of minerals such as silicon, Iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium contains cocoa butter, French Green Clay, essential oils of cedar and orange
#barroverve #jabonnatural #hechoamano #jabonorganico #naturalsoap #handmadesoap #organicsoap #greenfrenchclay #jabonesagalma #naturalsoap


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